Monday, June 13, 2005

Sex and the mumbai city...

During the tenure of my summer job, with the times of india, i came to meet a lot of people, specially the younger crowd, people just passing out from 12th and widening their horizons. Since my flirt mode is on 24 hours, i generally commingled with interesting females. Now here i came to see an entirely different breed, existing side by side. And i was perplexed at the difference of perspectives amongst people. At one side i met a group, who was totally into attitude, and 'ya know, i am soo kewl' thing. These females abused freely, liked to 'chill' a lot, and compared making out notes with other people. Obviuosly even i lied about my uninteresting sex life, and we got on well. When i asked their frequency of making out, and the stipulated time period for the first time, one of the females quite proudly said,"i kissed my boyfriend even before he proposed to me!" yours truly, 32 teeth. So i judged that this is the common mumbai crowd, who fornicate a lot, and are cool with everything in life.
Then i met the other extreme, people who had problems in their first kiss, after 8 months of courtship, and very tight lipped about saying the F, S, D and other words. Rolling up their eyes when i said any of the above. But still delightful people, and i think i liked this batch better, somehow somewhere that indian thing kicked in, but i enjoyed. And i was duly impressed, another learning experience.
So which group are you in?


Anonymous said...

no matter how much i dislike u now..
but ur style of writing will always be a source of awe n wonder...
u write so beautifully..

Jain said...

Thank you anonymous,
if u r what i think u are, then i feel sad at your words. some things are just not meant to be, and maybe i am a bastard to make it sure.
it could have been otherwise, its all about choice.
thank you

Anonymous said...

u r always welcome...

Anonymous said...

in this i agree.... in a college also its kindoff so easy 4 girls to do timepass,,,, they go with 1 then another,,,,etc etc... and not once feel anythin ... its like BEST OPPORTUNITY... im not in any grp ..not experienced yet!!1 hee! hee!

Anonymous said...

hmmm...i guess i fall into th second group and am not at all ashamed of sayin tht...coz being indian,maybe some values do run in my blood!!its all a matter of what u want from life and r u willing to wait.after all,civilization is defined by what we forbid,more than what we permit!!

Anonymous said...

Is it really about values I wonder, or just chance-mila ke nahin. Atleast(pay heed to that word there::atleast) half the people in that sacrosanct 2nd group would jump at the oppurtunity, if a suitable prospect did show up. Let's all of us give up on the hypocrisy. Believe me there has to be nothing Indian or "value"-able about it.

Very little chance that someone is going to read this comment(years later as it does come, of this entry having been written. In my defence however, I just got introduced to the blog). I just had to comment nevertheless, having read some other shockingly hypocritic ones and, well, the general tone of this entry was quite disconcerting as well(for a doper :D).

All that BS from me nothwithstanding, I belong to the satta-n-savitri group as well :| and am a complete hypocrite(to the very core of my black heart and the last sticky drop of my blood).

Awaiting confirmation:: does admitting to hypocrisy make me a lesser hypocrite???

Anonymous said...

i think i would be somewhere in between..two extremes you've mentinoned here so...! yeahh..

Anonymous said...

oh yeah and the topic should read mumbai city and sex..or sex and the city of mumbai..'sex and the mumbai city' is grammatically incorrect moi thinks!